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Kidney Stones

Due to the dry and arid climate of Rajasthan, kidney stones are extremely common in the state. Kidney stones commonly present with pain on the side and back (which can be severe), blood or burning sensation in urine or occasional obvious passage of stones in urine. Kidney stones can also be asymptomatic at times, but it is important to remember that even stones without symptoms can damage the kidneys. It is important to get a proper evaluation done for kidney stones, which might include a sonography, contrast x rays or CT scan apart for basic urine and blood tests. While smaller kidney stones may be managed with fluids and medicines, most of larger kidney stones and those which are stuck in the urinary passage need surgical treatment. Surgical treatment nowadays is possible via small keyhole incisions and many a times no incisions at all. Surgical treatment may be required to be done in more than one stage for larger stones. With proper treatment, complete cure is possible in these patients.

The following are steps that you may take to decrease the chances of forming kidney stones –

  1. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle

  2. Drink plenty of fluids (to ensure that your urine is clear, not yellow)

  3. Have a low salt diet

  4. Take a balanced, high fiber diet

  5. Take normal calcium diet

Let us correct these unsafe practices related to kidney stones –

  1. Drinking beer does not help in passing kidney and ureteric stones

  2. Asymptomatic and painless kidney stones can damage the kidneys

  3. Kidney stones cannot always be removed with medicines

Kidney Diseases (Stones/Cancer): Articles & Resources

Kidney Cancer

When patients hear the word cancer, they immediately fear for their life. However, with current medical and surgical treatment, kidney cancer is eminently treatable if caught early. In current times, kidney cancer is mostly detected by chance when imaging investigations are done for unrelated complaints and it is this incidentally detected, usually early stage cancer which is most eminently treatable. Therefore, it is important not to deny the diagnosis and avoid treatment. Prompt surgery at this stage can not only cure the patient of the cancer, but also save the normal kidney harbouring the tumor. Sometimes, kidney cancer may present with abdominal pain, blood in urine or weight loss. It is important to understand that the main treatment for kidney cancer is surgery, which can be curative for early stage cancers. Kidney cancer is naturally resistant to chemotherapy and radiation, although a number of dedicated oral and injectable medications are available for treatment of advanced stage kidney cancer.

What you can do to reduce your risk of kidney cancer –

  1. Avoid smoking – Smoking greatly increases the risk of kidney cancer and stopping smoking reduces this risk even in those who used to smoke earlier

  2. Avoid second hand smoke – if your near and dear smoke, you are also at an increased risk of kidney cancer. Help them leave this unhealthy habit with generous support and expert medical advice.

Let us bust some myths related to kidney cancer –

  1. Myth - Kidney cancer diagnosis is a death sentence

Reality – With early diagnosis and proper treatment, these patients may be treated and many times cured as well

   2. Myth – Kidney cancer can be treated with medicines alone

Reality – Almost all stages (except for extensively advanced disease) of this disease requires surgical treatment

Kidney Diseases (Stones/Cancer): Articles & Resources

Swelling in Kidney (Hydronephrosis)

Patients usually come across this term while reading their ultrasound or CT reports. Hydronephrosis is not a diagnosis in itself and can be caused by multiple causes ranging from benign conditions such as stones disease, infection, strictures or malignant conditions like cancer. The report of ‘Hydronephrosis’ needs further evaluation by a Urologist and treatment is based on the underlying cause of the condition.

Kidney Diseases (Stones/Cancer): Articles & Resources
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